Monday, July 30, 200711:38 PM♥
CTIS at shatec's restaurant, CHARCOAL. (City hall)
I think we could feel the bonding yet again. Its like an off & on affair. Well, since everyone was happy, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ! Have to really thank our course tutor, mr vincent tan, for making this ctis a memorable one. He clowned around with us, lied along with us and also whacked some of us..

And then the class came up with some cheeky plans to celebrate terence and my birthday !
Kind of early, but it was heart warming. Seriously, when things happen unexpectedly, the kind of happiness cannot be described. I appreciate every single thing the class did for me. Angeline, although its just a small little cake, a chocolate one, as always heard and said, ITS THE THOUGHTS THAT COUNTS. While on my way home, on the bus, I kept smiling to myself. I know, it's too early to be happy, but really, some of them really touched me. :) I hope the class will keep this unity, and that few people will stop bringing sadness to the others. We are left with a year together.
Labels: monday blues seemed so far away..
Sunday, July 29, 20078:36 AM♥
Since Jada havent seen this before....

By the way, something crossed my mind. It's really a nice thing to have a photographer or a chef as a boyfriend isnt it? If he's a photographer, he will take the best shot of me. Even if I'm ugly, I will look pretty.. And if he's a chef, he will cook for me ! But I really have no idea what the food will turn me into..
Well, like I said, it just flashed across.. Those are just greed. I wouldn't expect so much though.. The best people I could think of having as my boyfriend are in fact, my brothers and father. Its not easy to find people like them.
Ok, I'll stop sulking here.
Having said that, Jada, I really love your photos taken at aus. Especially, the one you and him were standing night. ;)
Labels: past hairstyle
Friday, July 27, 20079:23 PM♥
You either give me the key of life...

Or roll me down....
Labels: sweet escape
Thursday, July 26, 200711:34 AM♥
Roslin's jacket is cool, but not the days in school.And then some people are just ungrateful. She just don't remember all the things she requested from me. Those I tried so hard to give, in the end, I got snubbed by her. Almost needed a heimlich maneuver when I heard that guys in school needed to see her so much. Like wtf now?
Anyway, she probably have not heard of this before, "what goes around, comes around."
No money? No proper family? Her mum wants to kill her? No roof, no food?
What fucking lies. She better stop taking advantages on guys. And guys, WAKE UP. By all means, be blinded by love, but not by a witch. Oh yes, unless, you're telling me, you dont mind being with a witch. C'mon, this is no harry potter.
GOSH!!!!Labels: witch
Monday, July 23, 20078:09 AM♥

We were trying so hard to act like them. So now you know, this is what we do when we are at the training restaurant. Apart from that smile, I don't feel good at all. How I wish I can choose my own classmates, my own project deadlines, my own everything. ugh. Don't want to rant about school further than this.
It just strucked me again.... That being short has too many limitations. It's sometimes just plain frustrating to think over and over again what one of my lecturers said. " Short people arh... most of em cannot think properly cos' their asses and brains grow too near each other.." and so he has been looking down his nose at my sorry little ass...Pathetic for me isnt it?
And now, I can't help but to feel envious about all the girls out there. They can doll-up, buy any clothes which they set their eyes on, or simply just put on anything and they will still look NICE. For me, I hate trying on clothings cos' 9 out of 10 won't fit me. The dresses I like, don't like me. Count the times you've seen me wearing one. That one maybe that altered one. sigh. It's so much harder to follow the fashion trend now.. Put on something that may look nice by itself, but you will never know it turns out to be OH-MY-THAT-IS-SO-SO-VERY-WRONG.
Nobody takes me seriously.
all mirrors are hung too high.
Labels: YET again.
To think about it, I'm glad that the Itac institution meeting was a successful one. ;) I had the chance to play a role in the skit as someone's sister.. Life wasn't smooth for the main lead (the brother).. His mother passed away because of cancer, and me, his sister committed suicide out of depression. She wanted so much to pursue a degree in the theatre studies but because her knee did not recover and was weak then, the management chose someone else who didn't even have the relevant qualifications. Mind you, this skit is based on a true life encounter. I cried while I was acting during the actual show.. I just couldn't imagine if I'm the one who have to go through all these, to lose 2 loved ones in such a short period of time. He must have gone through alot... I therefore urge you to cherish your family, treasure life and be happy about it. If he is so brave that he can overcome all those struggles, why can't we? Especially those of us who have a perfect family. Do not ask for more. I'm even thankful to HIM for sharing his testimonial with everyone.
Labels: The brave one
Sunday, July 22, 200711:51 PM♥
I saw & I know who bitched about the plan for CTIS.All I want to say is the usual thing.. That is, if you're not happy about the plan, then why not voice it out before its a deal? Did you even mention a shit when we were asking for opinions? Lastly, are you able to give a better idea? ARE YOU SURE that the majority will prefer your idea? If not, stop bitching. Cos' it already happened.Labels: Say so.
20/07/2007, at hometeam ns adventure chalet.

brother and cousin. ;)

Its not a fruit cake although it seems to be.. Its a cheese cake.

2). He told her, " Look at those candles, they are the electronic ones. It will never go off no matter how hard you blow.. "
tsk. How smart.





Cousins. Oldest at the front. See? I'm at the back. :)
Labels: clyric's and wanting's.
Sunday, July 15, 200711:16 PM♥
Samsung always know what I want..The kind I dreamt of having..
Like some kind of a deja vu...
Wednesday, July 11, 200710:38 AM♥
JUST WANT TO SAY....being confident doesnt mean arrogant. I dare say Im confident in things I choose to do and commit into. If you lack of the confidence and are afraid to take risk, you will definitely hear this from me. " For me, everything can be possible. It is a matter of the effort one put into. " And then you may go telling me to face the reality or dont be too stubborn.. Still, I will keep my confidence. Youths now adays should be bold instead of trying all ways to take the easy way out. If one never try, he or she will never know. Reflect the years you left behind, how much effort you put in doing each and every tasks, how much faith you have in yourself, how much you dared to show actual proof by going against the others who dare not even try. If there is none you can recall, start today. Put in 100% effort in all that you do, be confident and show others that the impossible can be possible. As always said and heard, excuses will never win. Again, will you rather lose or win?Labels: confidence aint arrogance.
07.07.2007Wasnt in the mood to stomp. Not a relative, but someone important left this world. Sorry all. Special thanks for jada & gladys for understanding... Btw, jada, you marched well! :)) MICHELLE.This sister came all the way in the middle of the night just to pass me all the books and not charging a single cent. I remembered asking her, " why are you giving me the books for free and always helping me without any condition? " or something similar.. She replied, " Because you're my friend and I want to help you. " Simple as that. Tell me, how many times can we come across people like her? Michelle, that sentence itself can make me remember you for life. Sorry I wasnt around that night you came as I was at the wake. I really wish that one day I can do something for you. JIAXINThinking about her can make me tear. The kind of constant concern she gives cannot be measured. She will check on me everyday, and when Im hard to get, she will email me without fail. She's the one who has the perfect package. Pretty on the outside, and also inside. Jiaxin, thank you for having me. JADABig sister. :) There's so much to say, so much to thank. Always there to help me for every slightest problem... To me, you have been so influential. You're another one I cannot lose for sure no matter what. SAMMRecently, I may be quiet. But that doesnt mean anything. I dont know how to tell you how I feel... Still, dont forget to stay. You're my pillar in school, my bestie. You make life alittle easier just be being there.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-These people created a great impact in my life. Without them, I wouldnt know if I can stay this strong. Im incredibly grateful to each and everyone of them. It is also them that I always will feel a slight guilt in me.. Why are they always the one there for me, helping me unconditionally when I dont even see myself being there for them.. Friendship isnt always easily described but for me, friends are special people. We cant pick our family, but our friends can be as diverse and infinite as how we choose. My friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices I make in life. Im truly sorry I'm now short of words to express how I really feel... I will be there as soon as I can.. If only school isnt as busy, I would have gone out with you girls everyday or do something for you all... Now, Im losing out to time. But this time will never be able to break the bond between the people mentioned and I.-Labels: From dawn to dusk, I think of thee..

Furthest right ( the guy in black ) : My brother.

MOS. I went because my brother (clyric) asked me along and said we need not queue up as we are the vips for that night. Plus, its free. :)) First clubbing experience, how should I put it? Well, I think the company is the most important. Other than that, there's no meaning to it or at least to me.. Girls hang around to be treated & watched, boys go around hanky panky..yes? I aint stereotyping. Some were really that sleazy they ended up dancing and showing that they were really ready for something else. Generally speaking, I find that it is another world inside. Indecent inside, decent outside. BUT, one can maybe try to escape from the stressful world outside.. Anyway, still dont quite understand why would people get addicted to such places, especially girls. I spent most of my time finding a spot to dance. And it isnt nice hearing or seeing people vomitting here and there. So there goes my virgin clubbing night... Oh yes, I drank just 2 shots of "sex on the bitch" and another shot of I-dont-know-whats-that-called. I was preparing myself to send my brother home...haha.
You believe? Sorry, its after all an excuse for being a lousy drinker.
Labels: First night clubbing
Friday, July 06, 20076:14 AM♥
Why I think life is unfair...1). You are always outside when it rains and you never get a rainy day when you're on bed.2). On your off day, your auntie wants you to bring her kids out, your mum wants you to tidy your mess up, and your boyfriend doesnt want to go out.3). The one you fancy, dont like you, and the one u dislike, fancy you.4). When you are early, the buses & trains always come on time and the taxis are everywhere. But when you are late, the buses & trains are later than usual and the taxis are no where to be found. Even the booking operator goes : There are no taxis available, please try again later. 5). You planned to go for sun tanning but the sun is hiding under the tent and it rains.6). When you have the money and you want to splurge on clothings, you will realise everything doesnt seem to fit. But when everything seem to fit, you realised you dont have the money to splurge in the end. Its also the same idea when you didnt plan to shop but you bought alot of things, but when you need something desperately, for e.g a dress, you wont be able to get it.7). When all the good-looking guys meet the bad hearted girls, and when all the kind hearted girls meet all the bad-looking guys. 8). When the poor remains poor in a rich country.9). When the rich keep striking lottery.10). When the dirty toilet need a 20 cent entrance fee.~When we were young and we were forced to sing
"rain rain, go away, come again another day.."
but the rain doesnt go away no matter how hard we sing...~Labels: unfair right?
Tuesday, July 03, 20074:26 PM♥
It seems like basic respect is a lesson my generation has missed. This doesnt exclude my classmates. Some have virtually no reverence for anything or anyone. I should say most of them are good people but they dont have a high respect for others, especially those in positions for authority. One good example is when one is taking up the courage to stand in front of the whole class to brief an idea, we shouldnt just say "fuck it la." Right, if that idea really sucks, then one jolly well contribute a BETTER IDEA. A purpose to disagree & to oppose is for a reason to come up with a wiser choice. Instead of just keeping quiet, tell us why dont you like the idea. We wont take a gun and shoot one another. And I was upset when this person texted me a sms saying that I finally get the choice I want for theme party, I always end up getting what I want. Tell me how should I feel? Like I said, humans are no fools, they go for a wiser choice. Its not because I have the authority, not because of me, but because majority wins. I sincerely wanted good for everyone. I want us to have a breakthrough in shatec. I want all of us to enjoy what we do. Simple as that. You dont like the idea? Get everyone else to like yours then. Easy.Disrespectful people. Is it perhaps because they have never been taught or respected? c'mon, this is not an excuse. For the good for everyone, I suggest people start to regard others civilly. Let us all put away the ego, stop being condescending, and help one another out. Its now a class thing. Will u rather win together as a class or lose ? Shall we all "agree to disagree?" People, start thinking.P.S: Thanks to somebody & somebody I talked to on msn. Whenever Im upset, he & she will come telling me, " dont waste your precious time on that person." Labels: where's the unity.
Monday, July 02, 200711:16 PM♥
It all happened at the national stadium. I went all because of him...

Labels: harry kewell